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我的一家人 第二季7.0

类型:未知英国 2001 

主演:罗伯特·林德森 佐伊·沃纳梅克 加布瑞尔·汤姆森 丹妮拉·丹拜-阿什 

导演:Dewi Humphreys 


《我的一家人 第二季》是Dewi Humphreys导演的一部超级经典的片,该剧讲述了:

  The second series, Ben Harper, husband and father to three different and often difficult children has spent his working life as a dentist. Just as well as most of his life seems rather like pulling teeth. His wife Susan is usually busy showing foreign tourists around London, a place she knows much better than her own kitchen. Ben and Susan have been married happily enough to have three children. However, Ben has the feeling that most of the time his children seem to speak a different language. Nick (20) has persuaded his parents he would benefit from a gap year to see something of the world. To date, he has hardly seen anything beyond the confines of the sofa. Janey (17) is into boys, fashion labels (expensive ones) and getting her own way. Michael (14) is the brightest of the trio. He is seriously into computers, and, not so seriously (yet) into girls.



我的一家人 第二季影片的精彩影评

  • 厌闻倦客发表于: 160小时前
    3.5,我的一家人 第二季从犯罪到战争反思。不知道男主跟老爷爷的关系是虚构的还是真实原型就是如此,这个设定虽然更具偶然性,但是强调了个人情感在战争和历史罪人面前,显得没那么重要。
  • 两百斤不含头丶发表于: 32小时前
    有笑点有泪点有反思有惊喜,我的一家人 第二季两个小时很快就过,棒国在拍温情片方面也有一手,恩京妹子太放得开了,果然对于演员来说过人的外貌反而是一种拖累。再活一次,不要嫁给短命鬼不要生我这种不孝顺的孩子,为自己活一次。。艾玛我都被感动了好嘛。没看之前怕我秀贤为客串而客串,看完后觉得天衣无缝水到渠成!
  • 时以星发表于: 17小时前
  • HurryShit发表于: 184小时前
    孩童眼里的美国大萧条,在谎言中倔强成长,生活再辛苦也带着一种暖色调。 90年代的索德伯格真是才华喷薄啊,各种题材驾驭得得心应手。今年第一部让我专心看进去的电影~~~
  • kakakarl发表于: 153小时前